Trade Fair China Auto Parts in Wuhan, China

Our official distributor of Mabanol in China - the company TBG Vehicle Components Co. Ltd. - represented our brand at the China Auto Parts Trade Fair which took place in Wuhan City in Central China from 25th-27th of April. The China Auto Parts Fair is the biggest exhibition of industrial automotive parts in China. More than 2.000 manufacturers and traders of automotive parts brands participated in the fair.

TBG had their booth decorated in typical Mabanol fashion. "It is a great show and a very important initiative for our growth strategy in 2018. We met many potential customers who are very interested in the brand Mabanol and the products. Attending this trade fair with Mabanol was a premiere and another important step to successfully introduce Mabanol to the Chinese market. We believe that we will be successful in our endeavours with all Mabanol dealers in China" the General Manager of TBG, Mr. Huang, mentioned to the reporter of “China Wearing Parts", one of the leading media outlets in the Chinese automotive industry.